MPL Hair Removal Treatments

MPL Hair Removal At Surrey Beauty Therapy Permanently remove unwanted hair with our MPL treatments

We use SkinFirsts Maxi Plus MPL (Multi Pulsed Light) combined with Radio Frequency (RF), the most advanced technology available for permanent hair reduction.

It is more comfortable and safer than a single beam laser; and more effective and suitable for a broader spectrum of individuals than traditional IPL, so we can treat the widest range of skin types without discomfort and with excellent long term results.

Book Your MPL Hair Removal Treatment

The online booking is provided/shared with The Wellness Therapy Centre. All Beauty treatments are provided by Surrey Beauty Therapy. All other treatment are provided by our colleagues and practitioners at the Wellness Therapy Centre.

How Much Is MPL Hair Removal?

Here are our prices for single hair removal sessions. Courses of 6 treatments are available for the price of 5, and can be paid in instalments.

Upper Lip or Chin - £45
Upper Lip & Chin - £70
Sideburns - £60
Full face & neck (female) - £120
Full face, Beard & Neck (male) - £140
Neck (female) - £60
Neck (male) - £80
Full back - £150
Shoulders - £90
Full back & Shoulders - £180
Upper back & Shoulders - £150
Chest (female) - £160
Abdomen - £90
Chest & Abdomen - £150
Stomach line - £50
Full legs - £160
Upper or Lower legs - £130
Bikini - £70
Full legs inc/ Bikini - £190
Holiday Bikini - £80
Brazilian or buttocks - £90
Feet or Toes - £45
Feet & Toes - £70
Chest (Male) - £110

FAQs on MPL Hair Removal

Does MPL Hurt?

The sensation has frequently been described as being like a warm flick against the skin (although yoyu may not feel it at all). It all depends on the sensitivity of the area being treated and the coarseness and density of the hair.

Do I need to do anything before my treatment?

To prepare for treatments the area you want treated must be shaved and tan free. We will advise you exactly when you contact us. After a thorough consultation and a patch test, you are ready for your treatment.

What should I do between treatments?

In between treatments you should refrain from plucking, waxing or threading the hairs in the area to be treated. You can shave the area or use depilatory creams to remove the hair. You must not use sunbeds or gain an ‘active’ tan throughout the course of treatments. You can only be treated 4 weeks before your sun-based holiday and 4 weeks after or until the tan has subsided.

What happens after my treatment?

After the treatment you will have localised redness in the area treated, and the hair follicles may be raised, although these will subside within a few hours of treatment. The hairs will fall out during the next 2 weeks. After this time any regrowth of hair will relate to the hairs which were in the resting or transitional stage.

Anything else I should know?

You should wear SPF 30+ with UVA and UVB every day during the course of treatments. Avoid using fake tan on the area 10 days prior to treatments; although you can use it 24 hours after the treatment.

How many sessions do I need?

On average we recommend between eight and ten treatments between 4-6 week apart. However some people may need more than this, which can be due to chemical imbalances in the body, or some hairs being in remission when the area was treated. This can be discussed in more detail with your skin therapist. Following this occasional maintenance treatments are advised.

How Does MPL Work?

The MPL® energy is directed onto the skin, via the treatment head. The light energy is drawn to the melanin (the colour) within the hair shaft; with the radio frequency energy following, down to the base of the shaft, to deliver extra heat and destroy the hair, preventing the hair from returning.

Because the radio frequency does not heat the epidermis (surface area) of the skin, but penetrates deeper down within the dermis, following the path of least resistance created by the MPL®, the same or better treatment outcomes can be achieved using a lower energy of light emission.

The MPL® and radio frequency energy sources cauterise the connection between the hair bulb and the dermal papilla, thus stopping all fresh blood supply to the bulb, preventing any new hairs growing. The hair needs to be in the ‘growing stage’ (there are 3 stages of the hair growth cycle) for this to work.

As there are only a proportion of hairs in the growing stage at any point in time (and the growth cycles are of different lengths on varying parts of the body), a course of treatments is necessary to effectively achieve a permanent removal.

Is there any downtime?

The treatment is non-invasive, so there is no recovery period needed after treatment. Normal activities may resume immediately after the hair removal treatment.

Will this work with my hair colour?

We are able to treat most people, if your hair is darker than your skin and, in some cases we can also treat hair that is not as dark as the skin, provided there is some colour in the hair. The combined MPL and RF means that darker skin types can be treated than with IPL alone, but we are not able to treat very dark skin types (type 6).

Provided the hair has some colour in it the treatment will work. Blonde, white and grey hair cannot be treated.

Which areas does this work with?

Generally all areas are suitable for treatment, but for practical reasons it is not possible to to treat some areas, such as the inner nasal area.

To ensure maximum results for your treatment, we undertake a patch test prior to your full session.