Acne Treatment At Surrey Beauty Therapy Treat and reduce acne and spots effectively.
Acne can come in different forms including pimples, small spots, large fiery spots, cystic spots and inflammation. It can be persistent and affect quality of life by reducing self esteem and social interaction especially when they are on the face, but they are also common on the back, chest, shoulders and neck.
Traditional options available for treatment include topical creams and lotions which can cause redness and irritation, oral antibiotics which can can cause stomach upset, light sensitivity and yeast infections in women. These however can take a long time to work it at all.
Our preferred treatment is Intense Pulsed Light or Multi Pulsed Light which successfully treats acne and other skin conditions without adverse side effects.
Book Your Acne Treatment
The online booking is provided/shared with The Wellness Therapy Centre. All Beauty treatments are provided by Surrey Beauty Therapy. All other treatment are provided by our colleagues and practitioners at the Wellness Therapy Centre.
How Much Are Acne Treatments?
Here are our prices, and we have courses available for multiple treatments. Ask and we'll help you find a treatment plan that suits you.
FAQs on Acne Treatments
What happens after my treatment?
Homecare is also important. Once we have taken control of the bacteria and improved the skin condition visibly and within the lower levels of the skin, we need to ensure that the conditions which aided the onset of the spots and lesions is not re-created. As there is an irregular shedding of dead skin cells there are some products that help to control this. Astringents need to be avoided as they can make it worse by encouraging more oil production, so hydrating the skin at a deeper level is important.
How many sessions do I need?
Depending on the severity of the acne further treatments may be required. For best results we normally recommend between one treatment a week for four weeks or every other week. Most clients will see a significant improvement in four to six treatments. A maintenance programme is normally suggested every six months to control the activity of the sebaceous glands and the bacteria responsible for causing the acne.
Is there any downtime?
As with all the MPL treatments they are non-invasive, so there is NO recovery period after treatment. and normal activities can be immediately resumed.
Does MPL Acne treatment hurt?
The treatment itself is often pain free, but you may feel a warm flick during treatment. After the treatment there can be some slight brief pinprick sensations. In certain cases there may be redness in the treated area, local swelling or goose bumps. However these will disappear several hours after the treatment.
Normally though, there are no visible secondary effects.
Can I use a sunbed after my acne treatment?
We advise to avoid any form of heat treatments including saunas steam rooms or sunbeds after your session.
How Do Acne Treatments Work?
This works by accurately targeting the optimum depth to destroy the bacteria responsible for acne. We use a SkinFirst MPL machine that uses completely different wavelengths for different conditions which is why our results are so good. This is boosted by the combination of radio frequency.
This works by the light energy destroying the acne.p bacteria and causing a shrinkage of the inflamed sebaceous glands that cause outbreaks of pustules. At the same time the light and radio frequency energy gently heats the skin around the spots, activating the cells in the skin called fibroblasts which stimulate collagen remodelling and new collagen production that boosts the healing process causing the spots to disappear.